

Advisory for me means accompanying my clients in the long run, helping them to identify the major roadblocks for step change and supporting their long-term development. By nature, the dialogue is focused on the big picture, tectonic shifts in the industry, the strategic questions and the overall business model and organization in a multi-year perspective.

Building long-term relationships with my major clients, supporting them through multiple stages of their institutional and personal development, applying a mix of approaches and techniques and thereby helping to change an organization for the better is one of the most fulfilling aspects of my work. As a former Senior Partner and Practice Leader I have had many formal and informal advisory mandates, and have been able to create sustainable impact that can reach beyond the individual and organizational boundaries.


  • Long-term guidance and support focused on identifying and solving strategic questions and long-term objectives
  • Based on ongoing relationship with the client and intimate knowledge of the organization and market
  • Collaborative with the client (organization)
  • Background as experienced senior partner in top tier management consultancy

Is there more I can help with?

Helping to solve complex problems is my passion.
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